Presentation Tips
Tips and Advice from Presentation Professionals

Technology as a Tool for Presentations
When a business professional is asked to give a presentation, he typically begins his preparation by creating slides using a popular software program. It is commonplace for presenters to use a laptop computer accompanied by an LCD projector when speaking to both small and large audiences. But is this technology improving presentations or creating a barrier between the speaker and the audience?
Developing Your Presentation
The more you know, the more difficult it is to develop the content of your presentation. The paradox of speech development is this: It can be overwhelming to condense years of knowledge into a one-hour presentation and the anxiety that you feel might have more to do with the development phase rather than the delivery.
Conquer Your Fear of Speaking In Public
If you're hoping to get rid of your fear of speaking in front of others, forget it. I've trained executives in 30 countries how to improve their speaking and presentation skills, and I've spoken on five continents to more than a million people. I still get nervous before a speech or presentation. So does every other executive I know.
Deliver Presentations That Make Audiences Care
In today's time-starved, relationship-diminished world, audiences: - crave attention and connection with each other - want ready-to-use ideas - AND still expect to be entertained.
Media Smarts: What every executive needs to know when a reporter comes calling
The mere thought of being interviewed by a reporter is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most accomplished executive. There's a good reason for that. Individual careers, as well as company stock prices have vaulted to new heights-- or crashed to new lows-on the basis of what someone said to a reporter